Is Your Everyday Life Interfering with Your Art?
I almost fell in.....
Some days, it’s tough to start anything, even just writing the first sentence. I know what I want to say, but getting it out is a struggle. You know those days.
For the past six months, I’ve been working to build an online Fiberarts Community with all the bells and whistles. It’s been fun learning new things and designing online experiences, but I’ve been neglecting the real world. It’s been over a month since I’ve picked up my paint brushes and several weeks since I’ve spent more than half an hour knitting. My real-life art has been overtaken by the digital life I’m building. I now see this is a classic example of not balancing life and work.
I recently spent 8 days at my MIL’s and thought I had everything set up to work, but of course, there were tech glitches. I managed to get some work done, but it had been so long since I spent an afternoon knitting, and Lake Huron was just meters away. So, I decided to take a break. Between tech issues, spotty internet, two dogs, a lake, and my knitting, it was an easy choice.

Committing to Change!