Out with the Old, In with the BS: My Podcast Gets a Makeover!

Hey friends!

I’ve been making some tweaks to the podcast lately, and you might be wondering why. Here’s the thing: sometimes getting caught up in the “perfect brand” can take the fun out of creating something awesome.

Remember how excited I was to launch the “Creative Journey Podcast”? It felt like the right name at the time, capturing that whole path-to-creativity vibe. I even made cool graphics and everything!

But here’s the funny part: I totally forgot to Google the name first. ‍Turns out, there are a ton of podcasts named “Creative Journey” (whoops!). Luckily, I caught it early on. Lesson learned!

So, the podcast now has a brand new name – “Beyond the Skein” (or BS for short, if you’re feeling chill). I’m super pumped about it, and I can’t wait to keep creating great content for you all!

I’ve got even more exciting projects brewing in the background – stay tuned to see what hatches next!

Until next time friends…

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