Prepare to coat the chicken: Place flour on one dinner plate and breadcrumbs on another. Mix the spices with either the flour or the breadcrumbs. Crack two eggs into a pie plate and beat them roughly. Arrange the plates near the stove in this order: flour, eggs, and breadcrumbs for efficiency.
Pound the chicken: If storing chicken breasts in individual zip-lock bags, leave the chicken in the bag and pound it with a tenderizer until about a half inch thick. Alternatively, you can use two pieces of plastic wrap.
Preheat the oven: Heat your oven to 200 F to keep the cooked schnitzels warm while frying the rest.
Coat the chicken in flour: Place the chicken flat on the flour plate, ensuring it's completely coated on both sides. Shake off any excess flour.
Dip in egg: Transfer the floured chicken to the egg plate, coating it thoroughly on both sides. Gently shake off any excess egg.
Coat in breadcrumbs: Move the chicken to the breadcrumbs plate, covering the entire surface. Turn it over and press breadcrumbs into all the nooks and crannies.
Fry the schnitzel: Place the breaded chicken in a hot frying pan. Cook for 4 to 5 minutes on each side until golden brown and springy to the touch.
Keep warm in the oven: Once cooked, transfer the schnitzel to the preheated oven along with any potatoes or sides you're preparing.
Repeat the process: Bread and fry the next chicken piece following the same steps.