Hi! Welcome to the Creative Journey Podcast. I’m your host, Artemisnorth.
This is a space for artists, fiberartists, creators, makers, however you care to define yourself. When I was in High School my art teacher, Mr. Banting taught me about perspective and colour theory. He also imparted some valuable life lessons that I still draw on today. One of those lessons was this:
You don’t need other people to call you an artist for you to be an artist. You simply are!
Please enjoy this intro:

This is where we dive into how our toughest times shape the art we create. We’re talking real talk about the ups and downs of creativity, inspired by our own struggles and triumphs.
Whether you’re looking for inspiration or just curious about the creative process, you’re in the right spot. Let’s explore together how every challenge can spark something amazing.
Grab a cozy seat, and let’s get started!