Hi everyone! I’ve got a fun little experiment going on – I’m trying to grow sweet potatoes on my balcony! It’s either going to be a great way to grow some food or I’ll end up with a lovely decorative plant. Either way, it’s a win!
You see, I usually keep my sweet potatoes on top of the gallon jars where I store beans and pasta. And, well, sometimes one of them escapes my notice. So, imagine my surprise when I spotted a vine peeking out from above the jars! At first, I was a bit bummed about losing a sweet potato, but then I picked it up and saw it was growing roots and a vine. Who knew a sweet potato could start growing right in my kitchen?
Not really sure what to do with it, I popped it in a vase of water just to buy some time. Fast forward a week, and this little sweet potato was thriving! That’s when I decided to turn this into an experiment and see what happens.

I live in an apartment on the 8th floor but I face west. Lots of hot sunshine beams down my balcony. Perfect for sweet potato…..I think.

As you can see I need more soil but sadly will that have to wait a few days. I’m hoping that, like a potato, I can add the soil up the stem and all will be well. They will like it much better to have the sun actually beating down on their beds but we will see.
Stay tuned for updates on my sweet potatoes…… Here’s hoping they grow.
Until next time friends…