My Response to the Bucket List Challenge

Some crazy wing-nut over on Hive put out a challenge  to post only TEN things that are on your bucket list. This sounds simple enough, right? It was really hard to narrow it down:

1. Earn a Living from "Home".

We need freedom. I don’t mind working. Work is part of everything we do. I just want to have the freedom to work from any location I choose!

Make a plan, grab the tent and kayaks and go! As long as there’s an Internet connection I’m good to go. As a mom, I couldn’t just take off like that. There was always too much going on. This empty nester is going for it.

2. Inner Peace

This probably doesn’t need much explanation. I think we all want it. Life flies by, regrets occur and grief ensues. I’m working towards chewing these issues, until they loose their flavour, and spitting them out the car window. Think I’m keeping my “Cred” on this one… time will tell.

3. Laugh Freely and Often

I often take for granted the power of real laughter! Chrissy, a long time and well loved friend, makes me laugh until I cry. After we part I feel good! When I’m sad or anxious my husband acts like a goob and makes me laugh. It’s like medicine. I’m going to enjoy this part of my bucketlist. LOL!

4. Kayaking in Iceland

A life-long dream. First I read “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” (by James Thurber) then I saw the movie with Ben Stiller. Both times drew me in. I wanted to be there. I will be one day.

5. Drive Across Canada!

I’ve always wanted to do this! From the East Coast to the West. On up to the northern territories/provinces and back across. I want to take my time, maybe camp along the way, and explore! Of course kayaks will be included.

6. Watch My Grandchildren Grow Up

Okay….. this is a little sappy and I know the clock is ticking but I’m putting it in here!

7. Always Smile at Grumpy People

I forget this way too often, especially when I’m having a bad day. You never know what people have going on in their lives. And it makes me feel good too.

8. Grow Vegetables on my Balcony

You are probably saying, “Just Move!”. No…we love it here. It’s in the perfect location….we can make it work.

9. Meet My Great Grandchildren

I know…. sappy again. My heart burst with love when I held my babies. It full out exploded when I held my baby’s baby. I can only imagine the feeling of holding a great grandchild.

10. Not to Care What Others Think

THIS sucker holds me back at times. Goes back to childhood. Do we ever grow up?

Thanks for reading my Top TEN. There is one more however that just needs to said: To perform the greatest, non retaliatory, prank on my husband. The type of prank that just makes him stare at me in wonder with “WTF?” on his lips. Thanks… I feel better now.

Until next time friends…


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