Last October was I lucky enough to go to an event hosted by Antony Chodas, owner of Camera Canada – Forest City Image Center at the Circle R Ranch here in S.W. Ontario. What an amazing day it was!!
Many of the major camera manufacturers had reps there: Bushnell, Canon, Fujifilm, Nikon, Pentax, Panasonic, Ricoh, Sony, Tamron and Zeiss. They loaned me lenses to play with! It was blissful.
My Olympus OMD10 is a mirror-less 4/3 frame camera so I was very happy to see Sony there. Their lenses fit and I was impressed with their quality. Well…truthfully, I was drooling and very sad when I had to give them back!

I went with my friend Mary Ellen. It was so fun to see her in action. She’s a long time professional photographer, so she’s mastered getting right in there to get her shot! I learned a few thing about avoiding elbows. This is a picture of how she looked all day. grin

Equally exciting, because I love birding and photography, was the fact that the Canadian Raptor Conservancy AND the Ontario Hawking Club brought their beautiful birds for us to photograph.
Let’s see how many you recognize:
These were just a few of the Raptors there. We had to keep in mind that it was hot later in the day and these guys needed their shade. My settings weren’t quite right for some photos but I’m learning more all the time.
The Circle R Ranch is very pretty to explore. They have horses:

This little puppy made me giggle as I watched him meet a horse for the first time.

Kennedy’s Kridders was also on site to introduce us to his “family”.
Of course there were snakes, spiders and scorpions but not everyone was comfortable with them. GRIN. I did however take deep breaths and snap some pics.
Looking over these photos, I’m recognizing mistakes and realizing how much I have learned just since October.
If you have the chance to attend the next Nature Day, or something similar near you, I suggest you take it. Honestly, I could write all day about the people I met, the fun I had and how much I learned. It was a valuable experience.
Until next time friends…