Sock Therapy for a Dreary Day

Hey there! Have you ever felt something so heavy on your heart that you just feel out of sync with everything? Like you’re wrapped up in a warm alpaca blanket of anxiety? That’s been me for the past few days. I’m pretty sure I’m doing the right thing, but parenting can be tough – no sugarcoating it. To all the new parents out there with your little ones safely in your arms, just know that kids do grow up and become adults. But don’t worry, I won’t go into details; no need to scare anyone!

I’ve noticed that rainy days seem to go hand in hand with a heavy heart. As I’m tidying up, my mind wanders and frets. But you know what helps? Socks! I’ve got this lovely little ball of wool that’s just waiting to be turned into a pair of socks. It’s been a while since I’ve tackled socks – specifically, two-at-a-time, magic loop, toe-up socks. My “arch” enemy (yes, pun intended).

Years back, I picked up a book by Mary Ann Beatty called “Crazy Toes and Heels by Queen Kahuna.” It’s an amazing, detailed guide on sock-making, and Mary Ann even helped me turn my first heel via an email group – a huge thanks to her! This book is like my sock-making bible, and I’d recommend it to any sock knitting newbie. It’s a great way to learn and even design your own socks.

A little side note: I tried finding Ms. Beatty online recently but had no luck. So, if you come across her book, consider it a lucky find. And if you happen to find her online, do let me know!

Starting with the toes: I’m using a technique from the book called the “Fan Toe.” It’s a favourite of mine.


Notice the marker on the right has a silver bead but the one beside it has a dark blue bead? This silver bead marks the beginning of a round. Very helpful.

I had already knit and frogged out three other single toes before I remembered what I liked. That was when the MAGIC LOOP, TWO AT A TIME, TOE UP! challenge was accepted. (Yes…I talk to myself). This was also when I realized I couldn’t find my stitch markers. MY fabulous homemade markers. (yes…sarcasm is alive) What to do?

Thankfully I keep EVERYTHING crafty. I Grab my jewellery making cookie tin and look inside. YES! I have the tools. Okay so a little side tracked but it only took a few minutes to whip up eight stitch markers. One stitch marker is made by using an earring “dangle thing holder”, a few beads and a pair of needle nose pliers. Yes, they do catch a bit on wool but I will fix that later with a bit of solder.

No more excuses here we go. ARRGHHH!! My toes have kitty cat ears! SHUT THE FRONT DOOR! It’s happening again… and again. Well, what the heck? There is a heel to turn somewhere ahead and who wouldn’t want kitty cat ears on their toes?

This is as far as I’ve knit, almost to the start of the gusset. You may have already guessed….the point isn’t the socks.

Every stitch I knit helps frog stitches from that Anxiety blanket. Every stitch I’ve ripped has been fraught with turmoil and doubt but then re-stitched with more and more confidence. Knitting, or whatever your passion, doesn’t allow you to hide from your worries. In fact the opposite is true. It takes you out of your head so that you can see a clear picture of the whole situation. And hey? Who doesn’t need beautiful socks with kitty cat ears?

Until next time friends…


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From the depths of my wild and wonderful menopausal mind, these are the untamed musings of Artemisnorth.