How many of you can relate to this: I’m working on a pattern that I would love to put down permanently but I can’t. It’s for my daughter, who is very patiently awaiting it. It’s called Oblique from

I have it set up in my bullet journal. (If you don’t know what that is look here) Each chart has been checked and double checked x’s 2. You can see where I’m keeping track of every row, increase and decrease with my pencil on the chart page.
I carefully knit swatches with the amazing Camel Hair wool my friend Jackie gave me. She was cleaning out her stash and said, “Here. I’ll never use it.”…. I Love My Friends! I love working with this wool so much I took a picture…..GRIN Took a bit but my swatches for gauge are dead on.

My daughter has auburn hair and deep brown eyes. This will look dynamite on her! …… I hope. That is if I ever get it finished. Each piece I’ve knit, even the back, has 6 stitches too many left on the needles after the raglan decrease. ARGGGHHHH!
You know how I said I like it when you share your frustrating moments? This is why….I’m feeling a little better as I’m writing this because I’m hoping one of you dear friends may know what I’m doing wrong. Or just a “There. There.” wouldn’t go amiss. GRIN
I’ve been in touch with the pattern designer. Very helpful person. It has something to do with what I’m doing when I’m trying to keep the pattern while decreasing.
Here’s the back and left front:

The picture quality isn’t the best but you can see the pattern. It’s quite lovely.
Here’s one of the arms. Both are knit up to the raglan decrease.

I won’t let this sweater defeat me but it’s really trying. If anyone has made this sweater successfully please give me some suggestions? I would really love you forever! LOL!
I’ve set a deadline. Her 33rd birthday is April 25. I will have it done by then or fall off Hive trying.
Until next time friends…