Tulip Crochet Hooks – A Happy Review

Tulip Crochet Hooks! These are, in my opinion, the BEST crochet hooks on the market. Drool worthy to say the least. I’ve wanted a set for quite some time but they aren’t cheap. I finally had the money to order them but there was a problem with shipping so they were refunded. The refund ended up in the household budget and I continued to drool.

For my birthday last month my friend, Jackie, surprised me this set of Tulip lace crochet hooks! THANK YOU JACKIE!! She’ll probably shoot me for sharing this pic but honestly it’s my favorite shot of her. She’s quite the Lady.

What's so great about these crochet hooks?

For me, it’s all in the handles. I’ve spent many hours crocheting with tiny steel crochet hooks. As I’m getting older I find my fingers cramp. Those tiny steel shafts are hard to grip for any amount of time. The Tulip crochet hooks have a beautifully shaped handle made out of a firm yet soft texture that is very comfortable to hold.

The hooks themselves are smooth and well shaped. I love the little covers on each hook. This not only protects those tiny hooks but it also keeps them from hooking on items in your project bag. My project notes are now safe from holes and tears from those little hooks.

This sweet set comes with a beautiful roll up case, scissors, a small measuring “stick” and two needles for sewing in the ends. The little accessory pocket also holds my tatting shuttle and stitch markers. The only issue with this set is that it doesn’t come with a 2.0mm hook which is a common size for lacework. This is easily remedied by purchasing one and adding it to the several empty spots in the case. Problem solved.

The Tulip Lace set has a nice range of hook sizes from 0.05mm up to 1.75mm which can be hard to find. My Mother gave me the steel set I’ve been working with all these years and those originally belonged to my Grandmother. Can you tell I’m excited about these hooks?

When I brought these hooks home I couldn’t wait to use them. I took out various crochet cotton threads and played around, loving every second of it. My mind was racing as to what I would create with them. I started thinking about Jackie, how amazing she is and how could I express my thanks, when it hit me that I had the perfect thread to make her a birthday gift.

In the 90’s my Mom made lace edging which she sewed onto a set of sheets for @shadowspub. They were beautiful. When Mom passed I inherited her “stash” which contained a new ball of that earthy, coral color. Perfect! In fact I’ve seen Jackie wear this color tone quite often.

About a year or so ago Jackie and I were looking at lace patterns and one caught her eye. It was “Summer Splendor”. I think the only reason I remember this is that she “oohhed and awwed” over it, talking about what color she would do it in. Somewhere during our chat we moved on and it was forgotten. I printed the pattern off of Ravelry and eagerly began to crochet.

It’s amazing how much more enjoyable a project can be when you are using good quality tools. Between getting to know my hooks and using that beautiful coral color full of memories, I was in heaven.

Jackie loved it and was so happy that “a gift made a gift”. It’s proudly displayed in her dining room.

My next little project was simple lace edging for pillow cases. Using the same coral cotton I found a very old pattern and proceeded to interpret it:

I’m guessing this pattern is from the Victorian era. It’s actually not very hard once you transcribe the terms used into today’s lingo. I believe the pattern is well past copy right so if you are interested in this pattern drop me a comment and I’ll share it with you.

Needless to say my zest for lace making has been renewed. Thank you Jackie! At the moment I’m working on a fun and colourful Unicorn stuffie for my Granddaughter’s 1st birthday. After that? I’ll keep you posted but I’m guessing there’s lace work in my future.

Until next time friends…


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