So, I’ve been chatting non-stop about kayaking, and it occurred to me that I haven’t really shared the story behind my passion for this amazing sport. And it’s all thanks to @shadowspub!
Growing up, our family of seven was all about camping during the summer vacations. That is, until 1976, when my parents bought a general store in Castleton. With the store came a new lifestyle and, sadly, an end to our family camping adventures.
Some of my fondest memories are from camping at places like Algonquin, Bon Echo, Balsam Lake, Killbear, and Sharbot Lake. It was at Sharbot Lake where my love for paddling first began. Our campsite had this charming little path down to the lake, and one morning, @shadowspub and I sneaked out for my very first paddle. I was about five or six, and every paddle stroke created sparkles on the water like hundreds of diamonds. It was so peaceful and magical, and I remember trying to follow a loon as it dived and resurfaced. It was a fun game, guessing where it would pop up next!

Fast forward a bit, and we’re living by a small lake near Haliburton. My hubby and I got this old 14-foot canoe. It was a bit overkill for our pond-like lake, but we had the best time spotting wildlife, like the legendary Moby Dick, the muskie who loved to shake our dock while we fished. Those were some great times!
Life took another turn when my hubby passed away, and things were pretty hectic for a while. But then, life brought me to London, where I met my current hubby, started a business, and got a trailer in Port Bruce by Lake Erie. That’s when my kayaking journey really began. A friend lent me an inflatable kayak, and I was instantly in love with paddling along the shore and up the river. When my trusty kayak finally gave out, I knew it was time for an upgrade.

That same year, my dad got sick and passed away. Amidst that tough time, I received some wonderful news – I was going to be a Nana! The realization hit me when I saw @dezziq one morning, and it was such an exciting time. Over the winter, I dove into researching kayaks and, with some inheritance money, I got my current inflatable kayak and gear. I’m so grateful for the thought I put into choosing the right kayak. It’s been my trusty companion for 12 years now, and every time I inflate it, I feel a sense of gratitude to my dad.

Kayaking is more than just a hobby; it’s a unique experience every time. It’s never the same, and that’s what makes it so special. Do any of you have a passion that means the world to you? I’d love to hear about it!
Until next time friends…