Creative Journey Podcast

Hey there, welcome to the "Beyond the Skein" Podcast"!

This podcast is all about diving into how the tough stuff—our battles, heartaches, and those moments when things didn’t go as planned—shapes the art we make. It’s not just the highlight reel here; we’re getting real about the nitty-gritty of creativity.

We are always exploring the artful tapestry of life!

Every episode, we’re going to unpack how our personal stories, especially the tough bits, influence our creative expression. We’re talking about the kind of challenges that stop you in your tracks, the personal and professional hiccups, and how they can actually be the fuel for your creative fire.

So, come hang out with us as we share stories, have some honest talks, and maybe even find a bit of healing along the way. Whether you’re stuck in a creative rut, looking for a light at the end of the tunnel, or just curious about how life’s ups and downs play into making art, you’re in the right place.

Grab your favorite cozy drink, and let’s get into it. Here on “Beyond the Skein” we’re all about turning our struggles into something beautiful. Let’s start this journey together.

Creative Journey – 01 – Creating with Atticus

Creative Journey – 01 – Creating with Atticus

Join me, Artemisnorth and LEGO-loving Atticus as we explore the world of building! Hear Atticus, a budding builder with designer dreams, share his passion for creating with bricks. This playful episode unpacks the magic of LEGO and inspires imaginations of all ages. Listen in as Atticus paves the way for future dreamers

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Creative Journey – 00- Intro

Creative Journey – 00- Intro

This is a space for artists, fiberartists, creators, makers, however you care to define yourself. When I was in High School my art teacher, Mr. Banting taught me about perspective and colour theory. He also imparted some valuable life lessons that I still draw on today.

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