Threads of Life: A Journey in FiberArtistry

Crazy Toes and Heels Socks by Queen Kahuna
Join me in my latest blog post as I honour the late Queen Kahuna, a true fiberartist pioneer, and share my love for sock knitting. Discover the art of creating perfect socks, from choosing yarns like alpaca to mastering techniques like Judy’s magic toe cast-on. Whether you’re a novice or a pro, dive into the world of sock knitting with tips, inspiration, and a nod to our vibrant online fiber community.

This Pattern Is Driving Me Crazy. Short Trip
Check out my latest blog post where I share the ups and downs of knitting the Oblique sweater from for my daughter. From meticulously tracking progress in my bullet journal to troubleshooting raglan decreases, it’s a journey of determination and patience. If you’ve ever faced knitting hurdles or have tips to share, join the conversation!

Sock Therapy for a Dreary Day
Dive into my latest blog post where I share how knitting helps me unwind from the heavy blanket of anxiety. Join me on a journey of crafting toe-up, two-at-a-time socks, complete with kitty cat ears, as I find solace in each stitch. It’s not just about the socks; it’s about how our passions can help us navigate life’s challenges.

Dive into our Fiberarts Community, a one-of-a-kind space where fiberartists connect, share, and learn together in real-time. With Purl, your Fiberarts Assistant and incredible fiberartist tools at your fingertips, every stitch becomes more engaging and uniquely collaborative!

Join us every Wednesday from 1–3 PM EST for a cozy virtual knitgroup in the Fiberarts Community on GoBrunch!
Drop in to stitch, chat, and connect with fellow fiber artists—no RSVP needed. Grab your yarn!

Stay in the loop with the Beyond the Skein Newsletter! Get updates on community events, fiberarts tips, and the latest tools to enhance your creative journey.
From the depths of my wild and wonderful menopausal mind, these are the untamed musings of Artemisnorth.