Threads of Life: A Journey in FiberArtistry

Little Red Mitten: I Think I’ve Come Home

Little Red Mitten: I Think I’ve Come Home

Join me in my latest blog post where I recount a delightful visit to the Little Red Mitten yarn shop in St. Thomas, Ontario. From the excitement of discovering a rainbow of yarns to the warmth of a knitting circle, it was a day of fiber-filled joy and community. If you’re a yarn enthusiast or seeking your own creative tribe, this story is for you.

Let’s Make a Pad to Help Move that Heavy Mixer

Let’s Make a Pad to Help Move that Heavy Mixer

Discover a quick and practical solution to manage your heavy mixer with my latest blog post. Learn how to make a homemade sliding mat using simple materials like a bandana and quilt batting. It’s a fun, affordable DIY project that adds functionality to your kitchen. Plus, a bonus tip for keeping your mixer accessories tidy and scratch-free. Get crafty and make your kitchen tasks smoother!

Barbara G. Walker: The Woman Who Shaped My Knitting and Opened My Mind

For the longest time, Barbara G. Walker was simply the brilliant mind behind my sweater-knitting bible, Knitting from the Top Down—the book that changed everything for me when it came to seamless garment construction. If you’ve ever knit a sweater without the dreaded...

When Politics Crash Knit Happens

Yesterday, near the end of Knit Happens Wednesday, just as I was wrapping up a lovely session of stitches and chatter, a conversation unfolded that rocked me to my core. Out of nowhere, this intelligent, confident Latino woman timidly drops: "I voted for Trump." Not...

Inclusivity, Identity, and the Meaning of a Safe Space

I’ve spent the past six months building a home for the Fiberarts Community, and honestly, I feel like I’m rebuilding myself in the process. A big part of this journey has been about understanding others, seeing things from their perspectives, and reflecting on my own...

Knit Happens… Even If It Starts with Just Me

Building a community is like trying to write the first few words of a post—you’re full of ideas but unsure where to start. So, I guess the beginning is as good a place as any... Like many of you, I learned a big lesson during COVID: I took the small things for...


Welcome to the Fiberarts Blog, a cozy corner for fellow fiberart enthusiasts! This blog is my canvas where I share a medley of patterns, nifty techniques, and fascinating tidbits about the world of fiberarts.

Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just dipping your toes into the colourful pool of yarns and threads, there’s something here for everyone. Join me as we explore the endless possibilities of knitting, crocheting, weaving, and more, all while celebrating the joy and creativity that comes with being a fiberartist. Let’s create, learn, and inspire each other in this wonderful journey of fiberartistry!


Dive into our Fiberarts Community, a one-of-a-kind space where fiberartists connect, share, and learn together in real-time. With Purl, your Fiberarts Assistant and incredible fiberartist tools at your fingertips, every stitch becomes more engaging and uniquely collaborative!

Knit Happens Wednesdays


Join us every Wednesday from 1–3 PM EST for a cozy virtual knitgroup in the Fiberarts Community on GoBrunch!

Drop in to stitch, chat, and connect with fellow fiber artists—no RSVP needed. Grab your yarn!

Stay in the loop with the Beyond the Skein Newsletter! Get updates on community events, fiberarts tips, and the latest tools to enhance your creative journey.

From the depths of my wild and wonderful menopausal mind, these are the untamed musings of Artemisnorth.